jueves, 3 de octubre de 2019


Hey everybody! 

My name is Santiago, I'm a Spanish and Literature student at Universidad Industial de Santander (UIS). I'm from Bucaramanga, Santander in Colombia, I'm 20 years old. My birthday is on October 15th. I love learning languages especialy English. I like spending time with my girlfriend, I like listening to music, watching videos on youtube and also spending time in social media. Currently, I'm not working, so, I'm focused on studying. 

My family 

Now, I'm going to talk about my family. Let's check my family tree!

Jose is my grandfather, he is from Pamplonita, he is a truck driver. Mirriam is my grandmother, she is from Bucaramanga, she used to be a tailor, however, she is currently a housewife. Miriam and Jose got married and then, they had my father: Jose, my father, is from Bucaramanga, and he is also a truck driver. 

My grandfather Jose is from Rionegro, Santander, he is a shoe maker. Luz Dary is my grandmother, she is from Bucaramanga, she is a housewife. Jose and Luz Dary got married and then, they had my mother: Viviana is my mother, she is from Bucaramanga, she is a housewife as well.

Viviana and Jose had a relationship and then, they had me.

Physical description

Jose is strong. He is tall and he has brown eyes. His hair is black and it is becoming grey, so, he is almost grey-haired. He has waivy hair. His complexion is tanned. His eyebrows are thin. He has moustache and beard.

Miriam is short. Her hair is long and wavy. She is chubby. Her eyes are brown. She is grey-haired. Her eyebrows are thin and black. Her complexion is white. She has large eyelashes.

My dad is tall. He is strong. His hair is black. He has brown eyes. He has short and wavy hair. His complexion is tanned. His ayebrows are thin. He has moustache and bread. His eyelashes are short and black.

Jose is tall. He is grey-haired. He is thin. His complexion is tanned. His hair is short and wavy. His ayebrows are thin and black. He has moustache. His eyelashes are large and black.

Luz Dary is short. She has short and wavy hair. She is chubby. Her hair is dark brown. Her eyelashes are large and black. Her eyes are brown. Her ayebrows are large and black. Her complexion is tanned. 

My mom is short. She has long hair. Her eyes are brown. Her hair is black and wavy. She is chubby. Her eyelashes are long and black. Her complexion is tanned. Her eyebrows are thin and black.

Angi si tall. She has long hair. Se is blond. Her eyes are brown. Her hair is wavy. Se os thin. Her eyelashes are large and darkbrown. Her eyebrows are thin and darkbrown. Her complexion is white.

Camila is short. Her eyes are brown. Her hair is short. Her eyelashes are long and black. Her hair is wavy. She is thin. Her hair is dark brown. Her complexion is tanned. Her eyebrows are thin and dark brown. 

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