lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020

What I have and I love!

Hi everybody, I'm going to share with you all the gadgets I have and, also, food and sports I love, like and hate.

First, I'm starting with the gadgets. It is common to have a phone, so, this is the reason why it is my first device in the list. I have a Xiaomi Redmi 6A, it isn’t the greatest phone, but it is all I need to check my social media and e-mails. I use this gadget to make and receive calls, to send messages and use WhatsApp as well. This device isn’t expensive, it is $380.000 Colombian pesos.

Resultado de imagen para xiaomi redmi 6a

I use the next gadget at the same time of my phone, so, this device is a smart watch. I can check messages with it without taking out the phone of my pocket, I can also check who’s calling me before answering the call. I track my heart’s rate, blood pressure and the distance I walk in a day, it is so useful for me and I like it. Its cost is $90.000 Colombian pesos.

Resultado de imagen para smartband

The third gadget in this post is my laptop, it is a Lenovo, it is old, it’s so slow, sometimes it drives me crazy, but anyway, I use to complete my tasks and, sometimes, I use it to watch videos and movies. Its cost, I think, is $800.000 Colombian pesos.

Resultado de imagen para lenovo ideapad 100

This gadget is so common at home, this is the T.V, honestly, I don’t use it frequently, sometimes I watch movies and listen to music. My family always use it, it is turned off just at midnight while we all sleep. It is a LG; its cost is $1.200.000 Colombian pesos.

Resultado de imagen para lg tv

The last, but not least, gadget is the fridge, as the TV, I don’t use it frequently, however, it is necessary to preserve our food. It is a Samsung; its cost is $1.300.000 Colombian pesos.

Resultado de imagen para samsung fridge

Now, I’m sharing with you the sports I love, like and hate.

First, the sports I hate are soccer and tennis, those are really boring for me, I can’t stand them. I hate every single time when my family watches soccer matches. I don’t like marathon and fencing, it doesn’t have sense for me, anyway I respect people who like it.

Resultado de imagen para soccer   Resultado de imagen para tennis  Resultado de imagen para marathon  Resultado de imagen para fencing

I like wrestling and basketball. The sport I most love is volleyball, it is so amazing, I am not a good player, but I enjoy a lot to play it.

Resultado de imagen para wrestling Resultado de imagen para basketball  Resultado de imagen para volleyball
Now, let’s talk about food, I love all food, there is just one dish I don’t like, it is chicken soup, I don´t like, I don’t know the reasons. I love Chinese rice; it is one of my favorite dishes. I also love eating street food, I try to go to my favorite street food shop every single weekend, or, at least twice per month. That’s like my food paradise.

Resultado de imagen para arroz chino  Resultado de imagen para picadas costeñas

This has been a part of my life, maybe some people agree with my opinions or disagree, no matter, I respect all your opinions, also, I am open to receive your food recommendations. Hope you enjoy reading this post, have a good one!

jueves, 6 de febrero de 2020

Mr. Ben Brown, the traveller! 

Resultado de imagen para mr ben brown

His name is Ben Brown, but he is known as Mr. Ben Brown. He is from San Francisco, California in the United States. He was born on Januray 25th, 1978. He is currently 42 years old. He loves being in or close to water and he is happiest swimming and shooting the surf. He makes films, takes photos and tells stories. He loves being in the nature. He attempted to study English, but he didn't finish it. So he started to dedicate time on travelling and sharing his adventures with people on social media. He likes extreme sports and he earns money by travelling and showing the places he visits.

Resultado de imagen para mr ben brown

On his YouTube channel, he has posted he is in Cape Town, doing a travelling and showing to the subscribers the places he has visited there. He is showing in his video a beatiful beach in Cape Town, swimming there and filming animals on the beach. 

Resultado de imagen para mr ben brown in cape woen

Mr. Ben Brown is tall. He currently has long hair. He is thin. Her eyebrows are thin and dark brown. His hair is blond. His eyelashes are short. He has moustache. His complexion is white.

miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2020

Conciencia del grooming en el sexting


                                       Resultado de imagen para sexting

En un colegio de Bucaramanga, Isabel una estudiante de 14 años que cursaba noveno grado, haciendo uso de sus redes sociales, en medio de una conversación con uno de sus ciberamigos, este le pidió a ella fotos de contenido erótico, y lo aceptó para posteriormente enviárselas. Al cabo de un tiempo esta joven empezó a recibir amenazas de que sus fotos serían publicadas, para evitar aquello el acosador la empezó a extorsionar, su cuota era el envío de más contenido de la misma calidad. Lo que ella no sabía era que su ciberamigo era un adulto de 63 años, el cual se escondía en un perfil falso, simulando ser un adolescente. Teniendo en cuenta esto, se busca que los jóvenes tengan consciencia acerca del sexting, en cómo pueden hacer esta práctica de una forma más segura, además, que logren tener un concepto de grooming y de esta forma puedan estar precavidos ante una situación de esta índole; por último, se busca que los estudiantes sepan cómo enfrentar casos de ciberacoso y denunciarlos.


Los alumnos, entre los 13 y 16 años, deberán realizar escritos para responder algunas preguntas relacionadas con el sexting, el grooming y, además, se les indagará en cómo ellos harían una denuncia ante algún hecho relacionado con ciberacoso.

Los estudiantes crearán grupos de 4 personas para responder las siguientes preguntas.

  • Teniendo en cuenta el caso de la estudiante Isabel, los estudiantes deberán hacer una lista de precauciones, las cuales pudo tener la estudiante, para evitar el ciber acoso.
  • Además, deberán resaltar los riesgos a los cuales estaba expuesta Isabel al practicar el sexting.
  • Señala en qué momento se empezó a presentar el grooming en el caso de Isabel.
  • Plantee una forma en la cual Isabel pudo actuar para denunciar su caso

Teniendo en cuenta el caso de la estudiante Isabel:

Para realizar las lista de precauciones, los estudiantes deben tener claro el concepto de sexting.
Consecuencias del sexting.
Para señalar el momento en el que se presentó el grooming en el caso de Isabel, los estudiantes deberán tener claro el concepto.
Los estudiantes deberán hacer una hoja de ruta para el denuncio de este caso.
  • Al vivir Isabel por una situación de ciberacoso, ¿cómo creen que ella debía llevar el proceso de denuncia, de modo que proteja su identidad y vida social? (denuncia el ciberacoso

Los estudiantes podrán más información acerca del sexting, grooming y ciberacoso con los siguientes links:


1. Concepto claro de sexting (15%)

2. Identifica de manera clara las precauciones ante el sexting (20%)

3. Identifica los riesgos que conlleva realizar sexting (20%)

3. Concepto claro de grooming (15%)

4. Identifica posibles casos de grooming (15%)

5. Plantea una hoja de ruta en la cual puede conservar el afectado la identidad y sin prejuicios sociales (15%)


Al finalizar esta WebQuest, los estudiantes estarán en la capacidad de razonar acerca de los problemas que enfrentan al realizar sexting, además, serán capaz de tomar las medidas pertinentes si lo van a realizar. Por otro lado, sabrán cómo identificar un posible caso de grooming y, también, cómo enfrentar una situación de ciberacoso y cómo denunciar ante estos casos.

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2019


Hey everybody! 

My name is Santiago, I'm a Spanish and Literature student at Universidad Industial de Santander (UIS). I'm from Bucaramanga, Santander in Colombia, I'm 20 years old. My birthday is on October 15th. I love learning languages especialy English. I like spending time with my girlfriend, I like listening to music, watching videos on youtube and also spending time in social media. Currently, I'm not working, so, I'm focused on studying. 

My family 

Now, I'm going to talk about my family. Let's check my family tree!

Jose is my grandfather, he is from Pamplonita, he is a truck driver. Mirriam is my grandmother, she is from Bucaramanga, she used to be a tailor, however, she is currently a housewife. Miriam and Jose got married and then, they had my father: Jose, my father, is from Bucaramanga, and he is also a truck driver. 

My grandfather Jose is from Rionegro, Santander, he is a shoe maker. Luz Dary is my grandmother, she is from Bucaramanga, she is a housewife. Jose and Luz Dary got married and then, they had my mother: Viviana is my mother, she is from Bucaramanga, she is a housewife as well.

Viviana and Jose had a relationship and then, they had me.

Physical description

Jose is strong. He is tall and he has brown eyes. His hair is black and it is becoming grey, so, he is almost grey-haired. He has waivy hair. His complexion is tanned. His eyebrows are thin. He has moustache and beard.

Miriam is short. Her hair is long and wavy. She is chubby. Her eyes are brown. She is grey-haired. Her eyebrows are thin and black. Her complexion is white. She has large eyelashes.

My dad is tall. He is strong. His hair is black. He has brown eyes. He has short and wavy hair. His complexion is tanned. His ayebrows are thin. He has moustache and bread. His eyelashes are short and black.

Jose is tall. He is grey-haired. He is thin. His complexion is tanned. His hair is short and wavy. His ayebrows are thin and black. He has moustache. His eyelashes are large and black.

Luz Dary is short. She has short and wavy hair. She is chubby. Her hair is dark brown. Her eyelashes are large and black. Her eyes are brown. Her ayebrows are large and black. Her complexion is tanned. 

My mom is short. She has long hair. Her eyes are brown. Her hair is black and wavy. She is chubby. Her eyelashes are long and black. Her complexion is tanned. Her eyebrows are thin and black.

Angi si tall. She has long hair. Se is blond. Her eyes are brown. Her hair is wavy. Se os thin. Her eyelashes are large and darkbrown. Her eyebrows are thin and darkbrown. Her complexion is white.

Camila is short. Her eyes are brown. Her hair is short. Her eyelashes are long and black. Her hair is wavy. She is thin. Her hair is dark brown. Her complexion is tanned. Her eyebrows are thin and dark brown.